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Business Software & Sub Categories


Word Viewer

View Word documents and convert text formats into PDF files.


SSuite Office Writer's D'Lite

Create documents, novels, and articles on your PC.


Word Files Editor

Work with DOC, DOCX, TXT, XML, HTML, and RTF formats, create, edit, save, or share all documents.



Increase your typing accuracy and productivity with real-time spell check.



Get open source visual text file.


Free Docx to RTF Converter

Convert DOCX documents to RTF files.


Change Case Of File Content To Proper, Upper, Lower & Sentence Software

Change content to upper, lower, proper (title) or sentence case in many files.


Extract Data & Text From Multiple Text Files Software

Extract lines that contain specified text from one or more files.



Check spelling and get alerts for misspelled words.


Microsoft Publisher 2013

Create and share a wide range of professional-quality publications.


Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (64 bit)

Preview the new and modern Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.


Microsoft Word

Create and share content with the help of a comprehensive set of writing tools.

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