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Business Software & Sub Categories


Office Mix

Add voice, video, and digital ink to your PowerPoint presentations.



Collaborate with your team to create beautiful church presentations.


iSlide Tools

Create professional PowerPoint presentations, even if you are not a designer.


Convert Powerpoint to EXE 4dots

Convert PPT PowerPoint presentation to standalone EXE slideshow.


Excel Import Multiple PowerPoint Files Software

Import one or more MS PowerPoint files into a blank MS Excel file.


Microsoft Office Visio Standard 2013

Create and share professional diagrams across your business divisions.


Free PPTX Viewer

View presentation documents of the latest version of Microsoft Powerpoint with ease.



presentation tools for scientific lectures


Microsoft Expression Blend

Build Web-connected experiences for Windows.


DataNumen PowerPoint Recovery

Repair and recover corrupt Microsoft PowerPoint PPTX files


Convert Powerpoint to Video 4dots

Convert Powerpoint (PPT, PPTX) presentations to video


Wondershare PPT to Video

Convert your presentations into 130 video formats and share them online.