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Resize Web images easily.



Get access and transfer files with ease to FTP servers.


Download Panel Tweaks

Tweak your Firefox download window and add more features.


iMacros for Firefox

Automate Firefox, record and replay repetitious work.


Roboform Toolbar for Firefox

Automate password-entering and form-filling.


LastPass Password Manager for Firefox

Save, encrypt and backup all your passwords and logins.


Smart Web Search

Perform quick searches on various search engines in Firefox.


Grammarly for Firefox

Correct misspelled words and phrase on Web.



Customize the way Web pages look and function by using small bits of JavaScript.


Poster for Firefox

Create and post HTTP requests on your favorite Web service or site.


Click&Clean for Firefox

Delete Internet history and other traces from your computer.


HTTPS Everywhere for Firefox

Force Web sites to load in HTTPS.