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Browsers & Sub Categories


Click&Clean for Chrome

Delete your browsing history, typed URLs, Flash cookies, and all traces of your online activity.


uBlock Origin for Chrome

Filter out ads, pop-ups, inappropriate contents from your Chrome browser.


Chrome Web Store Launcher

Access and launch all your Chrome apps.


TV Chrome

Watch World TV in your Google chrome browser.


Webpage and WebCam Screenshot

Capture screenshots of a whole web page and save it as JPG file.


timeStats for Google Chrome

Collect statistics about your site viewing time and show awesome pie chart about it.


Split Screen

Open two different URLs in a single tab.


XE Currency Converter

Convert between worldwide currencies.


Vajra for Chrome

Improve your personal security when browsing the Web using Chrome browser.


Facebook Friend Exporter

Get the contact data out of Facebook to Google Contacts or CSV.



Control and manage user scripts on Google Chrome.


Umbrella Star

Access UmbrellaStar site easily.