
SurfSafe - join the fight against fake news About

SurfSafe - join the fight against fake news Specifications
Date added:
Nov. 19, 2018
Date released:
Oct. 4, 2018
Operating system:
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Additional Requirements
Google Chrome browser

SurfSafe - join the fight against fake news v1.2.2

Supercharge your browser to catch fake news.

SurfSafe - join the fight against fake news Screenshots

SurfSafe - join the fight against fake news Editor's review

It's nearly impossible to wade through the sea of fake news that has flooded the internet. SurfSafe gives you the power to find the source of misinformation and make informed decisions about what you are really reading.At the heart of every fake news story is an image that is likely doctored or taken out of context. SurfSafe uses the news sites you trust, along with fact checking pages and user reports as benchmarks for what images are considered "safe". It's simple - just hover over an image, and SurfSafe will classify the image as "safe", "warning", or "unsafe". SurfSafe will also show you every instance of where the image in question has been seen before. You will be able to see if the context of image in the article has anything to do with the original instance.Not only can you protect yourself from fake news with SurfSafe, but you can also fight back. SurfSafe allows you to report suspicious images in order to help others surf safely.


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