
uBlock About

uBlock Specifications
Date added:
April 10, 2018
Date released:
March 20, 2017
Operating system:
Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements

uBlock v0.9.5.0

Filter out ads from your browsing experience.

uBlock Editor's review

FromuBlock:uBlock: the blocker designed for efficiency and delight. The web has never been this quick and clutter-free. Though it has a low memory and CPU footprint, uBlock yet can load and enforce thousands of filters more than other popular blockers (such as AdBlock Plus, Adguard). But uBlock is more than an ad blocker: not only does it come with various built-in lists for blocking ads and protecting your privacy, but it also supports flexible customization -- from adding your own lists to powerful Dynamic Filtering and more.

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